Custom Development
Custom Development

Plugins Add-Ons
WooCommerce Features
Specific Plugins

Specific Development

Our expertise at your service

Sometimes, your vision is unique and requires development experts. Our WooCommerce Development team can help you.

Wordpress and WooCommerce are a great solution to create your online shop. This is why most store owners choose this solution to build their online shop. However, WooCommerce itself only provides the main features you can expect from an online store. Fortunately, WooCommerce is a very opened system which allows for a lot of customization.

You can enhance it with a lof of plugins (including ours) and build the website you desire. But sometimes, you have an idea and don't find the plugin that provides the solution. Or not the way you want.

In that case, it's time to find a team that will transform your idea into reality. That's where our team comes in.


Ethics matters

Our development policy is quite simple. We don't offer development that is not necessary.

When clients come to us with an idea or project, we first analyze it and try to understand it. If we need more information, we ask for it. When we are sure we understand what the client wants to achieve, we try to find the best solution. Often this does not require any development, it is enough just to consider the problem from a different angle.

If, in the end, a specific development is required, we have different price options depending on the initial request.


Expertise comes at a cost

Our expert development team is located in Europe. With over 20 years of experience in web development, they know how to quickly build a solution tailored to your needs. Our daily prices may seem high, but in the end, the developments we carry out often cost you less than a development carried out by a low-cost team.

Our pricing is as follows:

  • Full-price development - 800€/day: This is the pricing for most developments. It can be a specific plugin, a new feature in an existing plugin or a large development.
  • Half price development - 400€/day : If you want us to develop a new feature in one of our plugins, we can do it at a reduced price. See the requirements below
  • Free Development: In some cases, we can develop the feature you want for free! You can find more information below.

Full Price

Big projects and WooCommerce Developments

If the WooCommerce development you request is outside the scope of our existing extensions, it will count as full-price development. In order to start development, you need to follow a procedure.

You must first send us a detailed specification containing the following information:

  • A detailed description of the required features
  • A description of your working environment (server, CMS, plugins, software)
  • A desired delivery time

If we obtain all the information, we will study your requirement and produce our own specification in which we will detail how we plan to carry out the development. This specification will be returned to you with a detailed quotation. If you accept the quotation, we will send you a contract to sign and an invoice for the first payment. Once the contract is signed and the first payment is made, the development begins.

You will need to provide the following to our team:

  • A test/staging server representative of your live environment where we can test our development
  • Full access to all software and hardware needed to complete the development.

Prices will vary depending on demand. Please send us your project details and we will get back to you.

Half price

Development for our existing plugins

If you would like to request a feature that will add functionality to one of our sold plugins, you can benefit from a discounted development fee.

You may be eligible for discounted development under the following circumstances:

  • The team sees the benefit of the feature for other customers.
  • You want the feature to be developed as quickly as possible.


You have great ideas !

If you have an idea for a new feature for one of our plugins, feel free to contact us. Submit your idea to our team and we'll let you know if we're willing to add it in a future release.

For the feature to be developed for free, it must meet the following requirements:

  • The team sees the benefit of the feature for other customers.
  • You can wait for it to be added in an official update (it can take up to 4 months)
  • It requires no more than 3 days of development.

Before contacting us, please make sure that the feature does not already exist. For a complete list of plugin features, see our documentation.

Besoin d'un expert ?


Envoyez-nous un email avec votre demande à Notre équipe se réunira pour l'étudier et trouver la meilleure solution pour vous. Voici pourquoi vous devriez demander notre expertise :

  • Sécurité : Nous concevons des solutions sécurisées qui n'ajouteront pas de vulnérabilités à votre site Web.
  • Performances : Notre connaissance du fonctionnement de WordPress nous permet de créer des solutions qui ne ralentiront pas votre site Web.
  • Compréhension : Nous prenons le temps de comprendre ce que vous voulez et nous ne vous proposerons nos services que si nous pouvons vous fournir la solution adéquate.
  • Service : Notre équipe est toujours disponible pour répondre à vos questions, vous aider à mettre en place la solution et la soutenir par la suite.
  • Délai court : Nous n'avons que des développeurs experts qui travaillent sur des développements spécifiques. La plupart des projets sont livrés dans les 15 jours suivant leur approbation.


Envoyez-nous un e-mail ou utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour nous dire ce que vous souhaitez réaliser. Nous répondons toujours dans les 24 heures.