Posts Tagged ‘#WordPress’
How to customize the style of a WordPress page
Si vous installez de nombreux plugins différents sur votre site WordPress, vous constaterez des incohérences dans la présentation de votre site. Vous souhaiterez peut-être également ajouter vos propres styles ou modifier un peu certains éléments. Dans ce guide, nous allons apprendre à personnaliser le style d’une page WordPress. Pour cela, vous devrez ajouter du code…
Read MoreAdd a user field in the my account page
With this new snippet, we will show you how to add a custom field to users’ profiles on their account details page. In this example, we will add the birthday field. However, you can add any type of field.
Read MoreAdd a custom feature to your WordPress website
If you really want your website to look and behave the way you want, you have 2 main possibilities. Add a lot of plugins or add custom code. While the first solution is often easier to set up, it can become a performance nightmare. Therefore, in some cases, you will have to add some code to add a custom feature to your WordPress website.
Read MoreOptimizing the performance of a WordPress site
With our guide, you will have all the tools at your disposal to ensure that your site displays quickly and offers pleasant navigation to your visitors.
Read MoreInstaller WordPress sous Windows 10 IIS – 1/5 Introduction
Installer Wordpress sous IIS n’est pas chose aisée. Ce guide complet vous aidera à y parvenir.
Read MoreInstaller WordPress sous Windows 10 IIS – 2/5 IIS et FastCGI
In this first step of our guide, you will learn how to install IIS and FastCGI
Read MoreInstaller WordPress sous Windows 10 IIS – 3/5 MySQL
In this new step, you will install your MySQL database server
Read MoreInstaller WordPress sous Windows 10 IIS – 4/5 PHP
Install and configure PHP to run on an IIS web server.
Read MoreInstaller WordPress sous Windows 10 IIS – 5/5 WordPress
Dernière étape pour installer votre site Wordpress sur un serveur Web IIS 10
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